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Greasing Wheel Bearing

Q: We have an 2002 Endeavor PBD 40 foot. I have not been able to find any information in the owner's manual about when to regrease the front wheel bearings. How often should this be done. We enjoy all the technical information you provide to all of us through your articles. Thank you.

A: I know that with that axle system if you do it around 50,000 miles and then from there forward do it every 25 to 30,000 you should be OK. A lot of people never do it and I won't say they have a lot of issues, but that is what is recommended for the axle.

J. D. Adams, an RV technician at Elkhart Service and Collision. Please address your questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., (574) 522-9000
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