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Disinfecting Water System

Question: I just purchased a 1985 Holiday Rambler Imperial 33. I am trying to disinfect the water system according to the book, but I cannot find the water tank or a way to put bleach in it. I see where the hose hooks-up is, but do not see a tank. Would someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Answer: If you do not see a gravity fill area around the unit anywhere, then the only way to put bleach into the fresh tank to clean it would be by making a hose that goes to your water hook up to fill tank and then put your hose to a pump with the hose out of it going to a bottle of bleach. Pump a bottle into the tank then fill the tank with fresh water, let it stand for a little while, then flush it. Refill a couple of times with pure, fresh water and flush to make sure all bleach is out of fresh water tank.

J. D. Adams, an RV technician 
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